Ingrid López
Hellen Quintana
Cristian Sandoval
María Jesús Villa
Law Nº 18.962
Ley Orgánica Constitucional de Enseñanza
La Ley Orgánica Constitucional de Enseñanza, more known as LOCE, was promulgated on March 7th, 1990 for Pinochet one day before quitting the power, and in March 10, in the same year, it was published. This has got as aims fix the minimal requirements that must fulfill the levels of Primary and Secondary school.
The duty of the State is control the process of the educational establishments.
Efforts to modify it, although they were focalized in college education, have existed during the 90s. No one of them, could arrive to the Parliament where "The alliance" always have shown its objection. The debate, by the way, was mixed up on the way over.
The law was constitute assembling different decrees dictated during the decade of the 80's, that were reflecting the effort of the dictatorship for transforming the educational field, favoring the revenue of private, transforming the role of the teacher's condition to subsidiary, and assuring constitutionally the freedom of understood education, basically, as freedom of property concerned of educational establishments.
Primary School will have as general aims achieve students are able of:
a) To understand the reality in his personal, social, natural and transcendent dimension, and to develop his physical, affective and intellectual potentials.
b) To think about creative, original, reflexive, rigorous and critical form, and to have spirit of initiative.
c) To take part in the life of the conscious community of his duties and rights, and to prepare itself to be citizens.
d) To continue studies of average level, of agreement with his aptitudes and expectations.
But to be able to achieve the general aims, students of the primary school will have to reach the following minimal requirements:
a) To be able to read and write, express correctly in the Spanish language in oral and written form, and to be able of estimating other manners of communication.
b) To dominate the arithmetical fundamental operations and to know the beginning of the basic mathematics and his complementary essential notions.
c) To develop his native sense and to know the history and geography of Chile.
d) To know and to practice his duties and rights that concern to the community, in form concrete and applied to the reality through that the pupil and his family live.
e) To know the elementary notions of the natural and social sciences, to understand and value the importance of the environment.
f) Be aware of the importance of taking part actively in expressions of the culture related to the art, the science and the technology and obtaining a physical harmonic development.
The Secondary School will have got as general aims achieve that students, once they have been graduated, they are able:
a) To develop his intellectual, affective and physical capacities based on spiritual, ethical and civic values.
b) To develop his aptitude to think freely and reflectively and to judge to decide and to tackle activities for the same one.
c) To understand the world in which he lives and to achieve his integration on it.
d) To know and estimate our historical - cultural legacy and to know the national and international reality.
e) To continue studies or to develop activities of agreement with his aptitudes and expectations.
But to be able to achieve the general aims, students of the Secondary School will have to reach the following minimal requirements:
a) To acquire and to value the knowledge of the philosophy of the sciences, of the letters, of the arts and of the technology with the depth that fits to this level developing aptitudes for acting constructively in the development of the well-being of the man.
b) To acquire the necessary skills to use adequately the oral and written language and to estimate the communication in the expressions of the language.
c) To acquire the knowledges that allowed him to estimate the projections of the science and modern technology.
d) To know and estimate the natural way as a dynamical and essential environment for the development of the human life.
e) To know and understand the historical development and the values and national traditions that allowed him to take part actively in the projects of development of the country.
f) To develop the creativity and the skill to estimate the expressive values of the aesthetic communication in the diverse cultural manifestations.
g) To acquire the motivation and necessary preparation that they facilitate his personal development to him.
Ley Orgánica Constitucional de Enseñanza.
Advantages | Disvantages |
- This Law indicates what to teach and also help in children’s development. - Every chilean has the right to be in a school and receive education. - If a girl student is pregnant, she has the right to continue with her edcucation process in the year that she believes is the indicate. - Every level of learners can receive education for a good formation as person. - The goverment must defend the right of free education. - Every grade has different steps that will help to continue the other grades. - The kinder garden is the first floor to start a good level of education - The educational level is divided into 4 levels, they are: kinder garden, primary, secondary education and superior education (university, proffesional institutions, etc). And it allows ckech the contents in a good manner. - The hours for education years ago were increased for get a good quality education. | - When the students are selected, the principal don’t care the student’s feeling. - The students are not the main protagonistic in the education process - Schools from country side do not have the same than students who are from urban zones. - The person related to the economical area do not need special education to represent a school. - Some schools do not have teachers that are really competent. - Some schools do not have the furniture neccesary to give an efective educaction. - To create a university, the principal just need basic paper to create it. - There are not special programs for students that have different ways of learning. - The budget for kinder gardens, elementary and secondary schools are really different between them. - L.O.C.E isolates students from municipal schools or individuals subsidized of Chile. - The schools structure is not organized very well. |
Despite of the big criticisms that this law has got, it is not totally wrong, but in practice, in many aspects it creates a contradiction. Like it is indicated in the article Nº 2, "Education is a right of everybody", then it is good, but what about the quality of it? Is it the same for everyone?.
From our point of view, we think this law turns the education into a good, not in a right as it barely stipulated in the second article.
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